Little Gleaners Window

The “Little Gleaner’s” Window

author:  Corrie Davis

One window of the series in the south wall of our sanctuary bears this inscription:  “Offering of Little Gleaners.”  A cherub, with a very beautiful and life-like child’s face, is at the top of the window.  The oval center, of floral design, in shades of rose, is encircled by the words: “Suffer little children to come unto me.”

A few years before the second church was built, Mrs J. L. Lovejoy organized the little girls into a society called the “Little Gleaners.”  They met on Monday afternoons, in Mrs. Lovejoy’s home.  The girls were taught to sew and make things which they offered for sale.  One of their enjoyable projects was the making of paper flowers.  When the women of the Ladies Aid Society held their bazaar shortly before Christmas each year, the girls and boys were given a table on which to display their wares.  The Little Gleaners made the $65.00 needed to pay for the window which perpetuates their name.  They also gave the communion table which is now in our fellowship hall.  {Where is this table now?}

From year to year, Mrs. Lovejoy continued to train Gleaners.  Names of members of this group as recorded in church history are:  Margie Lovejoy, Cassie Seay, Corine Dulaney, Kate Heard, Evelyn Erwin, Norma Sims, Bessie Heard, Corrie Davis, Eddie Wilcox, Mary Emerson, Annabel Herndon, Nina Heard, Irene Marley, Laura Heard, and Marguerite Erwin.

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